
Braillers are complex mechanical devices, requiring specialized skills to effectively repair and maintain good working order. Northwest Brailler Repair specializes in providing reliable and affordable services for Perkins Braillers. Our team of Perkins-certified technicians provide high quality general maintenance, minor, and advanced repairs (levels 1, 2, & 3).

Repair Services

Each Perkins Brailler receives:

Cost: $130 + replacement parts, if required.

If parts must be replaced, we will contact you with a cost estimate for approval before proceeding.

Send your brailler to us

We understand how important your brailler is to you. That’s why we offer quick and efficient repair services. Send your brailler to us and we’ll take care of the rest.
Perkins Braillers can be sent free of cost when shipped using Free Matter for the Blind. For a label, click here.

For instructions on how to prepare your brailler for shipping, click here.

Brailler Sales

Looking to buy a Brailler?


Please contact us for our selection of expertly refurbished Perkins Braillers for sale.

a girl who is blind types on a Perkins Brailler
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